1. Prerequisites

Before starting, make sure your system meets the following prerequisites:

Install dependencies if they are not yet available on your system:

# Install Git
sudo apt update && sudo apt install git

# Install Docker
sudo apt install docker.io

# Install Docker Compose
sudo apt install docker-compose

# Install Rust (use rustup)
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf <https://sh.rustup.rs> | sh

# Install Node.js (use NVM to manage versions)
curl -sL <https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x> | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs

2. Setting Up the Environment

  1. Create a working directory where you will store the validator node files:
mkdir particle-validator
cd particle-validator

  1. Clone the Particle Validator repository:

The official Particle Network validator repository should be available on GitHub. If you don’t have the URL, refer to the Particle documentation or GitHub.

git clone <https://github.com/particle-network/particle-validator.git>
cd particle-validator

3. Cloning the Repository

Once the repository is cloned, you'll have access to the necessary files and scripts to run the validator.

git clone <https://github.com/particle-network/particle-validator.git>
cd particle-validator

You should now see a directory structure with various files and folders. The critical files will likely be in the src/ directory, configuration files in the config/ directory, and scripts to deploy and manage the node.

4. Building the Validator Node

The next step is to build the validator node. This will involve compiling the code using Rust and Docker.